Atlanta Public Warehousing

Public warehousing is a great way for supply chain managers to store their excess inventory in a safe, easily accessible location. However, there are several factors that you should consider before jumping full bore into a public warehouse. Think about how warehousing may impact your bottom line by considering the costs and benefits of the security, ease of use, and mobility that comes with public warehousing options.

Why pick public warehousing

When you’re looking for a way to keep your products close by for easy unloading, consider the benefits of public warehousing for your company. For example, for an art store that may have many different types of pieces they’re trying to unload, but minimal storage space, public warehousing may be just the ticket when it comes to having some back up room.

When picking a warehouse, think about location. If it’s in the same city, you might want to aim for somewhere just a few blocks away. However, for companies that may be located a little further away from civilization, one reason to choose an Atlanta area warehouse maintained by Bonded Service is for shipping costs. Shipping costs directly to a major hub like Atlanta are cheaper than getting something delivered to someplace further out.

For businesses in the Atlanta area it’s also important to choose a public warehouse that provides top-of-the-line security services. This helps you save money because you don’t have to hire your own security guards. Plus, while with your own warehouse you may be on the hook for any break ins, going with a public warehouse provides a certain business “insurance” that your valuables will be replaced or compensated for if damaged or stolen.

So, isn’t it time you invested in a decent public warehouse for your extra products? The next time you’re considering a public warehouse, keep the above factors in mind. All of these influence the cost of doing business. So what are you waiting for? Look into Atlanta area public warehouse services from Bonded Service today.